Join a Team
Serving on a team makes a difference for every single person that comes into the doors of St. Paul’s. Our ministries would not be possible without our volunteers! Below you will find descriptions of the different areas of opportunity to serve in. Please prayerfully consider being a part of these important church boards, church groups and church ministry teams. If you are interested, please contact the church office.
Church Planning and Operations
The Board of Elders assist the pastor with the spiritual oversight of the congregation. They oversee the worship services, prepare, and assist the pastor with Holy Communion, and support the pastor as he ministers to the congregation.
Time Commitment: Meets the first Wednesday of each month
The trustees oversee the building and property. They ensure that everything is kept in good repair and well maintained so that the ministry of the church can be carried out safely and effectively.
Time Commitment: Meets the first Saturday of each month
Focuses on the long-range growth and financial support of the congregation. This includes assessing the future needs of St. Paul’s and developing plans to meet those needs. All this is focused for the carrying out the mission of the ministry of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.
Time Commitment: Meets once per month
Children and Youth

This board supervises the educational programs carried on within the congregation. It provides oversight of the Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Adult Instruction Classes, Christian Home Education, and Youth Ministry. It also fosters and encourages a program of teacher training for the purpose of maintaining a high level of instructional competence among those who have been enlisted to teach. It strives to secure the enrollment of all children in the educational programs of the church.
Time Commitment: Meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm
Work with the children each week to learn Bible stories and develop their relationship with Christ. This position may consist of being a substitute teacher as well.
Time Commitment: Sundays throughout the school year
Prepare and serve a reception meal after a funeral for the family and attendees.
Time Commitment: On occasion
Make coffee, set up and clean up for fellowship on Sundays.
Time Commitment: Arrive early to start coffee and set out snacks one or two Sundays each month
Offers a warm welcome to all who come to join us in worship on Sunday mornings.
Time Commitment:
This group of individuals gather regularly for fellowship and to make quilts that are later sold to help raise money to assist with mission projects. Those who are interested in helping hand stitch quilts, tie quilts, cut out blocks, or sew blocks together are always welcome. If you can tie a knot, come join – no prior quilting experience needed!
Time Commitment: Meets Tuesday afternoons (hand stitch quilters) and Wednesday afternoons (tie quilters)

Serve a free delicious home cooked meal to members of our local community and collect donations for Watertown’s Friends for Life Food Shelf.
Time Commitment: Serves the first Thursday of the Month at 5:30pm
The International Lutheran Laymen’s League is a dedicated group of supporters and volunteers who are active in ministry domestically and around the world. These are people of all ages and walks of life.
Time Commitment:
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is the place where each woman is welcomed and encouraged to use her unique God-given gifts as she supports global missions and serves the Lord with gladness. The mission of St. Paul’s LWML is, “To give Glory to God in all things using our gifts in service to the Kingdom of God.”
Time Commitment: Meets the third Thursday of every month at 6:45pm
Focuses on the positive and effective outreach towards the people of the church and the community. Contact everyone who worships at St. Paul’s as a visitor and develop useful means of being a better servant to the community. Hotdish Cookoff, Pancake Breakfast Sunday, St. Paul’s involvement with Watertown’s Rails to Trails, National Night Out and Annual Heritage Festival are some of the bigger events this group coordinates.
Time Commitment: Meets the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm
Worship Ministry

Help the Pastor and the Elders during the worship service. This group not only assist with Communion, but also helps the setting up of the Communion wares, assist the Acolytes, Elders and Ushers. They ensure candles are lit and church is ready for the next service.
Time Commitment: Approximately one Sunday service per month
Provides musical leadership for the congregation in worship through choirs, bands, vocal leaders, and other musical resources.
Time Commitment:
Operates the video equipment and screens used to lead the congregation in worship.
Time Commitment: Service times when available
Assist in guiding people to the altar for Communion, take attendance, help answer questions especially from visitors and are available in case of an emergency.
Time Commitment: Four to five Sundays per year during a service